Being a parent is hard…
And being a parent who works for someone who lives outside of the home can feel especially impossible! In this day and post-covid age, parents are more distracted, more exhausted, and still want more for themselves and their children. When overwhelm threatens to over power, and you think you can’t stand one more tantrum, or demand or email with more demands… stop. Feel your feet on the ground. Imagine how the ground is holding you up. Try a box breath… four counts inhale, four counts hold, four counts exhale, four counts hold. Four times. Let the understanding sink in, that you are part of a wider world, a much bigger matrix than you can see, you are safe, you are grounded, you are more…As my friend Kathy told me… discover you are part of at the whole world, you are not the whole world. What a relief. Now take the next breath, the next step, one step, one breath at a time.
Please check out this resource!
From the description: “Working parenthood can be overwhelming, frustrating, and riddled with guilt. It can also be a source of joy, inspiration, and creativity. Balancing rich scientific research with friendly, supportive tips and anecdotes, Yael Schonbrun offers a toolkit to help even the most stressed of working parents grow the good while better managing inevitable challenges. She banishes the idea that the key to ultimate working parenthood is the ability to do it all. Instead, the key is to learn how these roles, together, can help you thrive!”